Enough of the history, now to Hosea. The LORD began to speak to him and told him to take a wife who was a prostitute (v2). Really! One would have thought The LORD’s word was better than that. I’m sure Hosea would have thought that The LORD’s word would have been different, and even for someone else, but this was to him and no-one else. It does seem strange, but God had a plan. The nation was in idolatry, they had gone away from The LORD, and it led, inevitably to great sin, the sin of harlotry.
These are hard words for Hosea. Some commentators suggest that Gomer was not a prostitute when he met her, but we don’t know that. It seems that harlotry was rife, and maybe there was no-one exempt or that Gomer was, in fact, taken from among the prostitutes. Whatever the situation, Hosea obeyed God and took Gomer, and she became his wife, and they had a son (v3-5). The LORD told him to name him Jezreel. No doubt, Hosea, thought that their marriage would change Gomer, and they would be committed to each other and their son. However, she did succumb to the nature of the women around her. We don’t know why she did but, it goes to show that if we mix with sinful people, we can soon be drawn into their ways. I hasten to say that we are all sinners, but if we have been drawn out of the sinful practices, we must be very careful that we are not enticed back into them. We must choose our friends wisely- “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.” (I Corinthians 15:33 KJV) “Evil company corrupts good habits” (NKJV).
Jezreel was to avenge the bloodshed of Jezreel on the house of Jehu and bring an end to the house of Israel. Jehu had killed the descendants of Ahab in the Valley of Jezreel and put Jeroboam II on the throne (2 Kings 10:11). This was clearly not pleasing to God and God would avenge Jehu and the house of Israel. It would not be good news for Jeroboam as it would mean his days were numbered and when, after his death, his son Zechariah was assassinated within six months, things went from bad to worse (see 2 Kings 15). Likewise, Israel would be defeated and taken captive by the Assyrians (See 2 Kings 17).
Gomer conceived again and bore a daughter and God told Hosea to name her Lo-Ruhamah, which means ‘no mercy’. What an unfortunate name! A reminder to all that The LORD would have no mercy on Israel (v6,7). Perhaps amazingly, The LORD said that He would have mercy on Judah. We see in 2 Kings 19, that The LORD fought for Judah, in fact the angel of The LORD killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night. It was not by their might but by the power of God. It showed that the kings of Judah were more faithful to God at that time. (See King Hezekiah 2 Kings 18)
After Gomer had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, she conceived and bore another son, and God told them to call him Lo-Ammi which means ‘not my people’. This was another poignant name showing that Israel would be no longer His people. It is thought that this daughter and son were not Hosea’s children. The people of Israel had rejected God and God simply said that He would not be their God (v8,9), nor they, His people.
However, the prophecy does not end there. There would be restoration (10-2:1) – the number of the children of Israel would be, as promised to Abraham many years before, ‘as the sand on the seashore which cannot be numbered’. Judgment would come, but it would not last forever, they will be ‘sons of the living God’. The division of the nations would be healed. In the far distant future this would be even when Jews and Gentiles would be one in the church of Jesus Christ, as we come in repentance and faith to trust in The Lord Jesus Christ.
The significant names of the three children would be seen – ‘great will be the day of Jezreel; Lo-Ruhamah (no mercy) would be shown mercy; and Lo-Ammi (not my people) they would become His people once again’. Yes, the judgment would come but, The Lord would restore them.
We are blessed to receive the same restoration. As sinners, we deserve nothing but God’s wrath, but that was poured out on His beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, but His resurrection brings new life to us. We receive His mercy and grace and become a new creation in Christ Jesus.
There is often confusion in that we say we are all children of God, but that is not true. Yes, we are all God’s creatures, but we only become children of God when we come in repentance, by faith, receive His grace and mercy.