
Hosea also spelled Osee is the first of twelve Old Testament books which we call the Minor Prophets. In the Jewish canon, they are considered as one book. His name means ‘salvation’ and comes from the same root as the names Joshua and Jesus. We are told the name of his father, Beeri (v1). We are also told in the book that he had a wife, Gomer (v3) and that he had two sons and one daughter (v4-9). There is no other mention of him in Scripture.

Hosea was a prophet who spoke the word of The LORD (v1) and he lived during the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah who were kings of Judah and in the days of Jeroboam, the son of Joash, king of Israel (v1)

Thus, Hosea’s ministry covered 760BC to 720BC. The monarchy was divided at this time, Israel to the north and Judah to the south. It is said to be 250 years after King David and 650 years after Israel entered the Promised Land.

Hosea was based in the northern kingdom (7:5) even though he makes reference to the kings of the southern kingdom. Jeroboam II was king when Hosea began his ministry. Jeroboam, as king of Israel was successful politically and economically but there was a time of spiritual and moral decay. The monarchs who succeeded him met tragic ends. The people were so prosperous that they felt no need for The LORD, and idolatry, lack of spirituality and moral corruption. Jeroboam II had followed in the wicked steps of his father, Jeroboam I, who was the first king of the divided kingdom.