Nahum describes the evil that was going on in Nineveh in v1-4. There was violence and immorality. There was bloodshed, it was full of lies and robbery. There was a lot of rushing about, hustle and bustle – ‘rattling wheels, galloping horses’. There was a lot of cruelty and they boasted about it, as could be observed from the fact that there were always victims and lots of slain people left around. So much so that corpses were left around and people were falling over them. There were numerous prostitutes and mistresses in charge of them. They were selling their immoral acts and sorceries to other nations and thus leading them astray and being proud of it. It was indeed a wicked city and plainly ripe for God’s judgment.

Little wonder that the statement by the LORD is repeated- “Behold I am against you” (v5). He proceeds to tell them that He will expose their evil to the nations and that He “…. will cast abominable filth upon you and make you vile…. And make you a spectacle so that all who look upon you will flee from you….” These are very strong words and acts which The LORD will perform to them. They were haughty and proud but there will be no one to comfort them or bemoan them (5-7). People will gloat over this once great city which was laid bare. One writer says that this was literally fulfilled and the ancient Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote of the destruction of Nineveh: “So great was the multitude of the slain that the flowing stream, mingled with their blood, changed its colour for a considerable distance… They plundered the spoil of the city, a quantity beyond counting” . Another wrote, “What probability was there that the capital city of a great kingdom…. sixty miles in compass …. which contained so many thousand inhabitants, a city which had walls a hundred feet high… And yet so totally was it destroyed that the place is hardly known where it was situated… Great as it was formerly, so little of it is remaining, that authors are not agreed even about its situation.”

The Assyrians had destroyed Thebes (No Amon) in Egypt and Nahum reminds them (v8-11) of what they did to that city, The LORD was going to do to them. No Amon thought it was strong being by being strategically situated by the River Nile and having strong neighbours in Ethiopia and Egypt, Put and Lubim. Their people were taken captive, young children dashed to pieces and great men bound in chains. Nineveh in her pride thought it wouldn’t happen to them and they could do as they liked. God had other plans. This is still the case today where nations raise themselves up with no thought for God.

We have to ask, is that the case with our own nation?

The LORD goes on through Nahum to describe what would happen to Nineveh (v12-15). He likens their strongholds to ripened figs on the trees. Ripened fruit falls easily particularly when the tree is shaken. So much for their strongholds! He tells them their gates would be open wide and be devoured by fire. Discoveries have been made and mentioned the large amount of ash which is evidence of fire damage.       

Nineveh had merchants as numerous as the stars, commanders as numerous as locusts, generals as numerous as grasshoppers, similarly shepherds and nobles. All these made them feel secure, but they would all come to nothing, and the people would be scattered, utterly powerless against God. Not only that but the other nations would ‘clap their hands’ at their overthrow. Nineveh had been known for its cruelty so it would be little wonder that the other nations would applaud.

What an assurance that God will execute judgment on evil and the righteous will be vindicated.

In many ways it makes for sad and scary reading. But there is good news. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is still available today for you and me, and our nation.

Nineveh had had its chance and repented but they fell into idolatry. Our nation could well be on the brink of destruction as we look around. But Jesus Christ died on the cross for you – Now is the day of salvation, tomorrow maybe too late.

God can destroy nations, but He can also save individuals who come to Him in repentance and faith.

Abraham pleaded with God that if he could find ten in Sodom and Gomorrah and God said He would withhold His judgment. But Abraham couldn’t so destruction came upon the cities, however He gave Lot and his family the chance to escape. Sadly, Lot’s wife did not.

We have the opportunity to escape the judgment of God. Jesus took God’s wrath upon Himself on the cross. Look to the one who was on the cross, risen, victorious and ready to save.