This is said by some to be unsurpassed in literature for its portrayal of strategy for military assault.
In verses 1-2 we have a call to battle – “He who scatters has come up before your face. Man the fort! Watch the road! Strengthen your flanks! Fortify your power mightily.
For the LORD will restore the excellence of Jacob Like the excellence of Israel, For the emptiers have emptied them out
And ruined their vine branches.”
Nahum had seen a mighty army going against Nineveh in his vision. God was going to restore the excellence of Jacob. This would be music to their ears. God was going to do this so what more could they ask. It would also bring terror to Nineveh or maybe they thought they could fight against God. Nahum saw the battle in great detail in the vision (v2-8). Even though they prepared for battle they would be defeated. They had spears and chariots but the battle would be bloody and they would be taken no led away captive just as they had done to others.
Nineveh was very self-sufficient but in this defeat they would be made nothing and would be made desolate. (v8-12) They had silver and gold, endless treasure and huge wealth. They were considered mighty as lions but they would be brought low.
The LORD says that He is against Nineveh (v13). There could be nothing worse and disastrous to hear. Paul says, “If God be for us who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). How comforting that is, but the opposite is too terrible to contemplate. The LORD says that their chariots would be burned, their lions would be killed, and their authority (the voice of their messengers) would not be heard any more. They were a mighty city in a mighty nation but the LORD would wipe them out.