The leaders bring gifts to God’s Tent – Numbers 7:1-89.

With exception of Psalm 119, chapter 7 is the longest chapter in the Old Testament. We must remember that the Bible was not split up into chapters and verses. That was done much later for our ease of understanding and being able to locate things. Those who did this attempted to keep things in context, but it is not always correct. The original text repeats the same list of gifts 12 times, once for each leader. v12-83.

These events happened one month before the census in Numbers 1:1-4. The list of men and tribes is in the same order as in Numbers 2:1-34. Each leader brought the same gifts. Each tribe was equally important to God and no doubt the author repeated the list 12 times to show this. The list of the leaders reminds us that God knows every person’s name. Everyone is special to God.

The leaders gave carts and oxen to transport the tabernacle. Remember that God had said what could be transported on carts. It did not include the Ark of the Covenant and in 2 Samuel 6 we have the disastrous event of transporting the Ark on a new cart, when Uzzah was struck dead for touching it. They gave objects for the priests to use in God’s Tent. The objects were beautiful and practical, too. Also, the leaders brought animals to offer as sacrifices.

The gifts and offerings were very expensive. But the leaders were happy to give them. The Hebrew word for offering is from a word that means ‘to come near’ to someone or something. When the leaders brought gifts to the tabernacle, they brought them near to God.

God’s Tent (the tabernacle) was the special place where God met with the Israelites. But we know that God does not live in one place only. He is everywhere, hence the reference that He is omnipresent.

God spoke to Moses in God’s Tent, when Moses stood by the Ark. The Ark represented the presence of God, it was holy, but God did not live in it, Verse 89 reminds us of this. When God spoke, his voice came from above the Ark.

Gold covered the Ark on the inside and the outside. On the top, there was a large piece of gold and there was a model of an angel at each end. God’s voice came from between these angels.

Today, we do not have to go to a special place to meet God. We can meet God by means of His Son, Jesus Christ. When we pray to Jesus, we are talking to God. Jesus brings God’s message to us also, by means of The Holy Spirit and His Word. We can pray to Jesus wherever we are. We can speak to Him at any time.

What a privilege we have! Do we overlook it? Maybe sometimes we forget it or even reject it.