This is the final vision which Amos saw (v1-4) and he saw the LORD, Himself, standing by the altar carrying out the judgment. No-one would escape, He says that He will slay the last of them and even though they try to escape, even to trying to go to hell, or heaven, a high mountain or the bottom of the sea, they will be taken. They could run but not hide from the LORD. He sees everything and everyone. Amos learns that Israel’s judgment will begin at the centres of idolatry and thoroughly reach to all of the land by the hand of the Creator. The LORD states that judgment will reach to everyone in the nation, with escape impossible for anyone anywhere.

The LORD God of hosts speaks (v5-10). Amos gives Him a much fuller title. Up to now He has usually been referred to The LORD. Maybe what follows is more serious, although all which God says is undoubtedly serious. Amos reminds them that their God is the creator of everything and is all powerful – The LORD is His Name. The LORD, only, has ability to judge as the One who handles creation They are reminded that this LORD God brought them out of Egypt into the Promised Land and despite victories of their enemies they were a sinful kingdom and His eyes were on them. He will wipe them out from the face of the earth but not utterly destroy the house of Jacob. There will be a remnant even though a sifting. They will be sifted (purified) among the nations. God’s sifting only removes the chaff. All the sinners who assumed on and took His goodness and protection for granted, would die. However, even through Israel will be judged as any other evil nation will be judged for her sin.

In the final verses Amos gives them hope.  The LORD promised that He would raise up the tabernacle of David, repair the damage, raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in former days (v11,12). The term ‘tabernacle of David’ is an interesting phrase, clearly pointing to the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The northern kingdom of Israel had previously rejected the royal house of David. Now, The LORD promises to raise up the falling house of David to possess all of those from the nations including the Gentiles, who will believe on the LORD and called by His name. Jesus would be a light to lighten the Gentiles (Luke 2:32). This would all be The LORD’s doing.

What an inspiring end to this prophecy! Amos has told the people many things which had caused them great fear and disappointment, now he has a word from The LORD God which would bring hope and encouragement. “Behold the days are coming…..” (v13-15)

The plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him that sows seed.”  This would be a miracle which only God could perform. Grapes were an important crop to Israel. Normally the two jobs follow each other sometime behind but their prosperity would be such that fruit would grow very fast, and the two types of workers would be falling over each other. God would bless them abundantly.

More importantly those who had been taken captive would be brought back to the land which God had given to them and no-one shall ‘pull them up’. The LORD God promised not to totally destroy the house of Jacob, but to restore them in prosperity to the land. This would be a permanent restoration of Israel.

This began to happen in around 539 B.C. In the books of Ezra and Nehemiah we read about them returning to Jerusalem and building the wall again. They would have their own land and not worry about exile again. They would be like a crop that God has planted. However, after Jesus’ time the Romans sent most Jews out of the land. They have only returned in large numbers since 1947.

We live in a world ravaged by sin with apparently little hope, but The LORD Jesus Christ, the Messiah, has come and we have hope. He is our only hope. He has brought salvation, paid the full price for our sin and in Him we have the assurance of new life here and eternal life in heaven. We look around and see that our land has been blessed by God in the past but we have disobeyed and turned away from Him. We have passed laws which are contrary to God’s laws and we deserve His condemnation just as God’s people did in Amos’ time. However, like Amos did by telling them that God was not pleased and would judge them, he ended his prophecy by showing that God was also a merciful God. He is still a loving, merciful God and we can receive and enjoy His amazing salvation. Jesus took our punishment, the judgment fell upon Him and we can go free.

God’s promises came fully true, they always do and He does not change. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever and we can trust Him fully today.