
We are not told who wrote the book but seems to be Jewish from their knowledge of Jewish festivals and apparent stress on the Jewish side of things and centres around the Feast of Purim. They also show a knowledge of Persian customs.

The story is based in the city of Susa and was probably written around 460BC, but some commentators have fixed the writing later, but no later than 400 BC, before the Persian empire fell around 335BC when conquered by Alexander the Great. The conflict between Israel and the Amalekites which commenced during the exodus (See Exodus 17 and Deuteronomy 25), continuing through Israel’s history. The Amalekites were the first to attack Israel after their deliverance from Egypt and others who seemed to be opposed to Israel through history. God’s people seemed to be doomed and in great danger from Haman’s plan to destroy them, but God overruled it in a miraculous way.

The outstanding feature in this book is the absence of any mention of God. This has caused many to doubt whether it should be included in scripture. It is an assumption made all the more effective by the absence of reference to God. Some consider that it is fictional. There is no doubt that God is present and at work in the events.

The book of Esther is the last of the bible’s historical books.