
Habakkuk was a contemporary of Nahum, Zephaniah and Jeremiah. We know nothing about his background. He wrote as directed by The Holy Spirit during the period 609 to 586BC.

He records the words of God prophesying about raising up the Chaldeans who invaded Judah in 586BC therefore he must have written before then. He had, undoubtedly lived through the reign of King Josiah when there had been a revival of God’s people but then they had backslidden into sin. No doubt he was sad at his nations fall into sin.

It is said that his name comes from the Hebrew verb “embrace” or ‘to wrestle’ and is appropriate because it is clear that he has faith even when in tough times. It is interesting to note that only Haggai, Zechariah and Habakkuk refer to themselves as a prophet, the other writers don’t. It is thought that that was his calling, and he was recognised as such.

The book doesn’t give us pronouncements given by God for him to pass on to the people, although it may well be that Habakkuk did at some point. It contains conversations between Habakkuk and God. Habakkuk is speaking to God about his people and the state they had degenerated into, and God gives His answers.